Spoof Text Message

Download Spoof Text Message Apk For PC,Laptop,Windows 7,8,10.

We provide Spoof Text Message 2.0 APK file for Android 2.2+ and up.
Spoof Text Message is a free Tools app.
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Spoof Text Messages App

This application really enables the possibility to send spoofed text-messages (SMS).

In order to spoof texts you need Codes. These can be bought via In-App very easily in a few minutes.

You can choose your bought Codes directly in the App and start spoofing texts – worldwide. Just enter any mobile number what\’s in your mind

Get free Codes from our Fan-Pages:
– https://plus.google.com/+Spoofmytextmessage/posts
– https://www.facebook.com/FakeMySMS
– https://twitter.com/FakeMySMS

How does it work to spoof a text message?
Here are the most important things to spoof texts summarized. Please read the following to make sure it works.

Fake Sender and Recipient
Sender and Recipient shouldn\’t be the same. This can lead to problems with the delivery.

Avoid same texts to the same recipient in a short time. These will be marked as Spam and may not be delivered.

Spoof Sender
It is best to have your spoofed sender a valid mobile number. Pay attention to select the right country.

Make sure you typed in the correct recipient number. Of course, spoofed text messages can only be delivered to really existing numbers. Also pay attention to select the right country.

Version: 2.0

File size: 1.78MB

Requires: Android 2.2+

Package Name: de.rtsmedia.spooftext

Developer: RTS Media

Updated: March 19, 2016

Price: Free

Rate 4.10 stars – based on 1892 reviews