Download 無綫新聞 Apk For PC,Laptop,Windows 7,8,10.
We provide 無綫新聞 2.1.13 APK file for PC (Windows 7,8,10).
無綫新聞 is a free News & Magazines app.
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please contact us. 無綫新聞 is the property and trademark from the developer tvb.com.
“TVB NEWS” App is now launched! Download it and keep up with TVB NEWS anytime, at anywhere! And you can:
1. Instantly get up-to-date Local, Straits, Financial, Sports and Legco news, latest weather information and news features; And view latest news clips of TVB NEWS (mainly in Cantonese narration, and partial news clips also have Mandarin narration to choose)
2. Watch 24 hours iNews Channel and special live-broadcast channel to keep abreast of latest news and issue
3. Review TVB NEWS feature programmes, including “News File”, “Behind the Headlines”, “Around the Pearl River Delta”, “Beijing’s Talk of The Town”, “A Closer Look” etc
4. Review news hot topic and read related articles in Timeline format
5. Know the latest weather situation and forecast 7 days weather review
6. Use \”Related News\” function to explore related articles and information
7. Get important news notification and keep up with its development
8. Share TVB NEWS article via social network anytime, at anywhere.
For more information in downloading and using “TVB NEWS”, please visit http://news.tvb.com .
*Terms & Conditions apply: http://news.tvb.com/terms.php?lang=en
* *Live channels and news clips in “TVB NEWS” app are currently open to Hong Kong users only
*** This version requires Android 2.2 or later
Version: 2.1.13
File size: 64.64MB
Requires: Android 4.4+
Package Name: com.tvb.iNews
Developer: tvb.com
Updated: July 25, 2019
Price: Free
Rate 3.50 stars – based on 7826 reviews